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Adiratna Giri , Warmadewa University, Denpasar, Indonesia


This study investigates the influence of the BI (Bank Indonesia) rate and foreign finances on the credit circulation of BNI (Bank Negara Indonesia), one of the leading banks in Indonesia. The BI rate, set by the central bank, plays a pivotal role in determining the cost of borrowing and lending in the banking sector. Additionally, foreign finances, including foreign investments and loans, have a significant impact on the liquidity and lending capacity of banks. Using econometric techniques, we analyze the relationship between the BI rate, foreign finances, and BNI's credit circulation over a specified period. Our findings shed light on the extent to which changes in the BI rate and foreign finances affect BNI's credit supply, loan growth, and overall financial performance.


Bank Indonesia, foreign finances, credit circulation


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Adiratna Giri. (2024). ANALYZING THE INFLUENCE OF BI RATE AND FOREIGN FINANCES ON BNI’S CREDIT CIRCULATION. International Journal of Economics Finance & Management Science, 9(05), 01–05. Retrieved from